What's Your Personality Type?

Quiz Creator: Carley

Are you ready to find out which out of the sixteen main personality types you are? The Myers-Briggs test was invented in the beginning of the 20th century by Katherine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers. Originally created to identify the best kind of jobs for women during World War II, the Myers-Briggs test grew to be much more.

Which type do you think you’ll be? INTJ, ENFP, ISTP? Well, it doesn’t really matter what you think! It’s our job to assess it. Are you empathetic? Kind? Intelligent? Your reactions to certain situations are going to be very telling, as well.

So, are you ready to find out who you truly are? We are! Let’s begin!

Question 1

Your alarm clock didn't go off, you have 15 minutes to get to work, and you didn't shower last night. You smell a little funky. What do you do?

Question 3

Do you think more with your head or your heart?

My head
My heart

Question 6

Do you like to interpret the meanings of dreams, songs, movies, etc.?

Question 7

Your friend invites you to a dinner party. When you get there, you realize you don't like any of the foods, what do you do?

Question 8

Make a regrettable decision:

Get a face tattoo
Run with the bulls
Send a flirty text to my boss
Drink spoiled milk

Question 9

Would you ever run a marathon?

Question 14

You have to eat one of these disgusting food combos, which do you choose?

Question 15

What's your favorite kind of fabric to wear?


Question 17

How do you like to detox after a bad breakup?

Ice cream!
Crying. Lots and lots of crying.
Venting to my friends

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